Nothing Matters More Than This!!!
Taiwo Ayandeyi
- Post By Taiwo Ayandeyi
- 1 year ago
Think about the "future"
What will happen in the next 100 years?
Even if you can accurately guess, will you be alive to see it's manifestation?
A carnal mind will say "live fast die young", You "only live once (YOLO) "
But seriously, is that what life is all about?
Were we born into this world just to die?
Look above to the sky in a starry night, millions of stars stare back at you, look at the moon, sun, Animals. Etc. And nature in particular even tho it isn't perfect still causes some awe inspiring reaction to the limited human mind!
Now let's reach outer space π
The Galaxies, solar systems, planetary alignment. Etc
The best of the best rocket scientists and astronauts with the most sophisticated spaceships and equipments hasn't been able to unravel it all.
Now according to the "educated" human mind, all this came from a first explosion known as the big bang
Charles Darwin came again with the theory of evolution explaining the"origin of species". Note that till today (February 4 2024) it's still a theory and not a law
You may ask, what is my point?
My point is, the more we try to explain away God in nature, the more we become confounded and perplexed by the very same nature as new things are discovered everyday without end
The West has drifted far away from God and now confounded.
An atheist may ignorantly ask, upon all our adherence to religion, look at our country, poverty everywhere, poor infrastructure etc
But does living in an advanced society guarantee true happiness?
Moral decadence of all sorts
Who are those championing it? And wants to force Africans to accept same? The West!
Highest suicide rate with all there sophistication and civility? The West!
They have an evil agenda that only the spiritually sound can clearly see
Life is not all about that as there is more to life!!
Jesus Christ is all that matters as in him we find true peace and a reason for still living no matter how dark the world becomes.
We are comforted with the fact that a kingdom is coming not made with human hands that is putting an end to all the evil influences of this world and an end to corruptibility with a true Leader (Jesus Christ)
We will now experience the true purpose of creation in a perfect form free from evil and the nuances of the enemy (Satan) as he will become nonexistent to cause any damage
as the systems of this world will now become a system of our God and of his Christ.
There is no other way
Accept him today and walk with his ever present help in the person of the Holy Spirit and walk away from this evil world and welcome to the new perfect world π