- Post By Caleb Adeleye
- 5 months ago
my opinion is that green houses and nylon row covers are two of the most uneseccary things to use for farming in tropical Africa,this things are made for countries with cold climates to provide a warm climate for the crops and heat the soil during winter,even the greenhouse cannot stop insects attacking pepper because mites thrips and mealy bugs are almost microscopic and will fly through that net without stopping,,row cover is another test case we saw how teribble it can be if used i with no space for rainfall to dissolve the salt from fertilizers naturally,the evaporation of water traps this salts under the row cover and it cause salt crusts to form on the soil with higher PH levels,we are battling this in a Clients farm and they have swore to remove the damn thing next season,the only advantage I see in greenhouse is that due to no humidity on the leaves,the incidence of bacterial leaf spot will be reduced but I rather use 3% of the greenhouse money to buy fungicides and control any fungal or bacterial infection and plant my crops open field