How To Establish A Successful Business Empire
Grace Alonge
- Post By Grace Alonge
- 2 years ago
In creating a successful business empire, you have to firstly get rid of some limiting factors.
There are a lot of factors that makes it difficult for most people to attain their desired height in business. Some of which will be discussed here.
The mind can be a very great limiting factor.Don't be surprised. When you lack self-belief and delimit yourself, you'll never be able to take a step higher. Your mind can be your obstacle to success; the greatest obstacle hindering you from crossing over to the next level. Your thinking, character and beliefs are critical parts of what determines the level of your success.
There's this popular story of a plastic surgeon;Dr. Maxwell Watz in 1960. He discovered that after performing plastic surgery on his patients who believed they had physical flaws, many of this patients still believe they are ugly even after their surgery.Sounds absurd, right?
Their mind is yet to reckon to the fact that their physical flaws has been corrected. Low self esteem might set in through this. Self- belief and self confidence will be lost thereby limiting their productivity.
When you don't believe in yourself, your performance level in any field will always be less than one(Very low and amounting to nothing). It's a simple fact.
Therefore, the first step in building a successful business is working on your mind; building self-belief and self-confidence.
"You are what you are by what you believe." - Oprah Winfrey.
Remember David the sherperd boy, when he dared the giant;Goliath.Despite his small size, he believed can conquer the giant and said to him with great confidence, "I will strike you down, cut off your head and feed your flesh to fowls of the air." David was not shaken by the daring feature of the giant before him and he conquered.
If you're not ready to step out of your comfort zone and confront your fears with self-confidence, you'll always be at the zero level.
To be continued...