Feelings or Trap!
Oluchi Grace
2 years ago
Even if you finally get the right person let's have it at the back of our minds that human beings still have flaws and get ready to deal with it even after all the love and promises love alone can't sustain a marriage or relationship but only when the originator of love marriage or relationship is involved (which is God) cos he will be there to give direction to anyone who asks for it
2 years ago
Interesting stance but I think that at the point where there is feeling, it is ALMOST too late to advice and as you rightly said thinking, investigation and the rest have already been suspended at that point so even the advice to refrain won't be accepted.
It is therefore important to have reasonable core values, in the end, the things that tickles your fancy revolves around your core values, if you have the right core values, you may not fall for the wrong person