Empower Your Data Science Skills with R Programming in Yorùbá!

  • Yoruba
  • R
  • data
  • analysis
  • software


Caleb Adeleye
1 week ago

Episode 5

I introduced packages. So far, we have used functions available in the base distribution of R. Since R is open source, we may want to use functions written by others for our analyses. A common and useful package for data manipulation is tidyverse, which includes tools like dplyr (for data manipulation) and ggplot2 (for data visualization). Tonight, I focused on dplyr and explained some of its useful functions for data manipulation, such as filter(), select(), group_by(), summarise(), and arrange().

Caleb Adeleye
1 week ago

Episode 4

Today, in Episode 4, I concluded the topic of data structures by discussing lists, which are more complex data types compared to vectors (1-dimensional arrays), factors, matrices (2-dimensional arrays), and data frames. In the second part of the session, I covered conditional statements and logical operators, focusing on "if", "else", and "else if" statements. I wrapped up the session with an introduction to loops, specifically "while" and "for" loops, thus concluding the introductory part of the course. Starting next session, we will begin using packages, particularly the tidyverse.

Caleb Adeleye
1 week ago

In Episode 3, I continued our discussion on data structures, focusing on additional structures such as factors, matrices, and data frames. While all of these, including the vectors we covered in the previous session, are homogeneous (as they can only contain one data type), data frames are heterogeneous, allowing for multiple data types. Before diving into the session, I demonstrated how to generate reports by knitting them into PDF/Word formats using R Markdown, which we have now adopted for our Lab submissions.

Caleb Adeleye
1 week ago

Episode 2 - data types and structures

This week (Episode 2), I continued from where we left off in the previous session, where we explored how to use RStudio, the RStudio GUI and its functions, performed arithmetic operations in R, and introduced variables.

In this session, I began explaining data types and structures, focusing on atomic or primitive data types—the simplest building blocks of the programming language, which include double, integer, character, and logical types. These were covered in the first part of the session. Since these building blocks can be combined within data structures to create objects containing data, I introduced the concept of vectors, which are one-dimensional, single-class data containers.

Caleb Adeleye
1 week ago

Episode 1 - Introduction | R studio

This week, I began the weekly class with an introduction to the purpose of the session: why R programming? and why the course in our mother's tongue - Yoruba? The first part of the session focused on these topics. In the second part, I provided a preview of what to expect in the course and concluded the lesson by demonstrating how to use RStudio (an R IDE), explaining the R studio GUI & its functions, as well as performing arithmetic operations in R and introducing variables.