kehinde Arishemola
- Post By kehinde Arishemola
- 2 years ago
First of all, you need to provide evidence that these “democides” actually happened. Just espousing that death happened during the existence of a particular state in of itself does not prove anything. If such evidence does exist, then you will be asked about the people who convinced this evidence because there are a significantly higher number of anti-communist scholars than pro-communist ones, and they have a monetary incentive to make communism look as bad as possible. History is written by the victor, and when the defeated now rely heavily on the victor for economic revival, they will not deny whatever the victor demands.
Within leftist circles, there is always going to be debate over whether or not particular events should have been handled the way they were. Many also failing to remember that you cannot judge the past by modern standards. Most of the so called “democides” are taken out of context and used for “atrocity fetishes” (if you think we’re bad, just see what those commies did!). The rest is exaggerations made for the strict purpose of making the numbers as high as possible.
The truth of the matter is, that while tragedy DID happen, there is context around it. If it was done by bad policy, then it will be denounced. If it was done out of necessity, then it will be supported. If it did not happen at all, or did not happen the way it is being claimed, then it will be corrected if possible.
Despite the “atrocity fetish” of the capitalists who want socialism to be seen as evil as possible, it is undeniable that all socialist countries (legitimately socialist) accomplished many miracles in a time frame that capitalist countries only wished they could achieve.