Daily Leetcode Solutions

  • leetcode
  • js


Karleb Harkeju
2 days ago


I posted the wrong screenshot for the last message.

So i am posting the correct screenshot for correction.

Karleb Harkeju
2 days ago


I actually did yesterday's question yesterday but I was too tired to post here.

First, you create an array that represent each letter in english alphabet as digits. That is, an array of length 26 and give all a value of false.

Then for every char in allowed, mark their corresponding values as true based on their index. I mean, a will be index 0, b index 1, c index 2 etc.

So if allowed is 'ac', mark index 0 and c as true.

Then make a 2 level loop. The first loops through the array of words and the second loops through each char in each words.

Now check if the word is mark as false, if it is, increment a counter. The initial value of the counter is 0.

Lastly, return the difference between the length of words array and the counter.

That magically gives you the answer. ;D


Karleb Harkeju
3 days ago


Today's leetcode is an easy one and quite simple to be frank.

so you have 2 binary numbers, say 11011 and 10110. Loop through the two binaries and check if the last bits in the binaries are different, if they are, increment count. That's all.

Karleb Harkeju
5 days ago



Karleb Harkeju
5 days ago


I am really losing my leetcode steeze.

On one hand, it is good because I am getting engagements IRL but this was never the plan.

Today's question is an easy medium although I can not do it without help and I do not know how to explain that it but it is not hard at all. Trust me.

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