- Post By Caleb Adeleye
- 1 year ago
Farming is often touted as a lucrative business, but many new farmers struggle to turn a profit. One of the main reasons for this is that they stop at the first stage of production: the harvest. If you want to make a real profit from farming, you need to add value to your crops.
In Nigeria, for example, if you plant cassava, you should consider producing ethanol or cassava flakes. If you grow plantains, you could make plantain chips. If you plant pineapples, you should think about converting them into pineapple juice. And if you cultivate cocoa, you could take it further by producing chocolate bars.
Adding value to your crops is essential if you want to make a profit from farming in Nigeria. While this may not be applicable in all countries, it's certainly true in Nigeria. So if you're a farmer in Nigeria, don't just stop at the harvest. Think about how you can add more value to your crops and turn your farming business into a success.